
Save the date: Let's go circular conference, Oct 9, 2019

Supported by TUM.wood: Conference with Sabine Oberhuber + Thomas Rau (Material Matters), Mathias Lehner (BNA), Tillmann Klein (TU Delft)

We kindly invite you to the conference "Let´s go circular!", which will take place on October 9, 2019 in collaboration with the Consulate General of the Netherlands, the TU Delft and the TUM Department of Architecture. The event deals with opportunities for circularity in the built environment.

Did you know…

… that he German construction industries require about 550 million tons of mineral raw materials in a year?

… and that those industries produce 200 million tons of waste?

… or that this sector is responsible for 40% of the energy consumption, 35% of the CO2 emissions?

These are just some of the findings in the recent study on circular building carried out by Bayern Innovativ.

It’s time to go circular!

Join us at October 9 for an inspiring event at Vorhoelzer Forum at TU Munich and explore opportunities for circularity in the built environment. Meet architects investors, architects, government, building industry and research in an interactive setting. A detailed program will be announced in the beginning of September.

programm and registration