The inter-faculty approach of TUM.wood is reflected in the teaching offer. A coordinated subject catalog from all areas invites the students of the participating faculties to take a look beyond their own discipline. Thus, the subject of wood can be viewed from a university perspective in the best sense of the word.
Chair of Ecosystem dynamics and Forest management in Mountain landscapes
Contact: Dr. Bernd Stimm
- Fundamentals of silviculture
- Forest Ecosystem Management
- Plantation Forestry and Agroforestry
Wood Research Munich
Contact: N.N.
- Utilization of wood and other lignocelluloses
- Microscopic and physical methods in wood research
- Properties of wood and other biogenic raw materials
- Technology and utilization lines of wood
- Raw material markets and quality assurance
- Political and Social Perspectives of Renewable Resources
Professorship of Fungal Biotechnology in Wood Science
Contact: Tanja Karl
- Biology of organisms
- Molecular biology of biotechnologically relevant fungi
- Plant Biotechnology
Professorship Biogenic Polymers
Contact: Dr. Daniel Van Opdenbosch
- Biogenic Polymers
- Material use of biogenic raw materials
- Processing of plastics
Chair of Timber Structures and Building Construction
Contact: Manuel Uphoff
- Timber Structures Basic Module
- Timber Structures Supplementary Module
- Timber in Construction
- Design Timber Engineering
- Basics of Fire Protection
- Fire Engineering
Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction
Contact: Sandra Schuster
- Interdisciplinary design
- Biogenic building materials
- Special topics of wood construction
- Construction 2
- Design, type + construction
Professorship of Digital Fabrication
Contact: Julia Fleckenstein
- Robot based manufacturing
- Computer aided design
- Factory oriented design
- Man-machine interaction